Monday, May 20, 2013

Murli [20-05-2013]-English

Essence: Sweet children, you are spiritual social workers. You have to serve to make Bharat into heaven 
and make the land of sorrow into the land of happiness. 

Question: In which aspect do you Brahmin children become experts at the confluence age?
Answer: You have now become experts at fulfilling the desires of all human souls. Human beings desire 
to attain liberation or liberation-in-life and you have to fulfil that desire. You show everyone the path to 
peace. Peace is not found in the forests, but the original religion of the soul is peace. Become detached 
from your body and remember the Father and you will receive the inheritance of peace and happiness. 

Song: Look at your face in the mirror of your heart, o man!

Essence for dharna: 

1. Renounce the old world in this one birth and become the Father’s complete helpers. Give your finger 
of purity and remain manmanabhav. 

2. Do the service of taking Bharat into supreme peace. Detach yourself from that body, stay in remembrance 
of the Father and take power from Him. Give the donation of peace.

Blessing: May you be knowledge-full and cure yourself by taking the pill or injection of happiness. 

Brahmin children can cure themselves of their own illness. The nourishment of happiness is such that it 
begins to take effect in a second. When doctors give you a powerful injection, it brings about a change. 
In the same way, when Brahmins give themselves a pill of happiness or an injection of happiness, the form 
of their illness changes. The light and might of knowledge helps a lot in making the body function. When 
an illness comes, that is a means of giving rest to the intellect. 

Slogan: Those who attain total success with concentration of the mind become embodiments of success.