Thursday, June 6, 2013

Murli [6-06-2013]-English

Essence: Sweet children, manmanabhav is the injection that will liberate you from all the illnesses of sorrow. Become soul conscious 
and you will receive an inheritance of purity, peace and happiness. 

Question: Which praise of the Father have you children tasted in a practical way? 
Answer: It is sung in praise of the Father: How sweet and lovely Innocent God Shiva is! You children have tasted this in a practical 
way. You say with experience: Sweet Baba, You are making us so sweet. Baba blesses His sweet children: Child, may you live for 
ever! You now belong to the most beloved Father and so you should become a sweet flower like Him. 

Song: Have patience, o mind! Your days of happiness are about to come. 

Blessing: May you be a detached observer who does service while keeping the speciality and uniqueness of Brahmin birth in your awareness. 

This Brahmin birth is a divine birth. Souls with an ordinary birth celebrate their birthdays, their marriage days, their friends’ days separately, 
but your birthday, marriage day, mother’s day, father’s day, engagement day are all the same because the promise all of you have made 
is that you belong to the one Father and none other. So, keep the speciality and uniqueness of this Brahmin birth in your awareness and 
play your part of service. Become a companion of others in service, but be a companion as a detached observer. Let there not be the 
slightest subservience to anyone. 

Slogan: A carefree emperor is one who has the balance of humility and authority.