Sunday, August 5, 2012

Murli [5-08-2012]-English

Surrender yourself together with all powers for service. 

Blessing: May you be master merciful and donate happiness to unhappy and peaceless souls by having a generous heart. 
At the present time, souls can obtain everything except real happiness. Therefore, at such a time, give peaceless and unhappy souls an experience of happiness and you will receive blessings from their hearts. You are the children of the Bestower and so share your treasures of happiness with a generous heart and let the virtue of mercy emerge. Never think that someone is never going to listen. Even if someone opposes you, you must not let go of your feelings of mercy. Pure feelings and feelings of mercy will definitely bear fruit. 
Slogan: The sustenance of knowledge and yoga is real spiritual sustenance. Become powerful and make others powerful with this sustenance.