Saturday, July 11, 2015

Murli 12 July 2015

“The way to become an embodiment of success is to have concentration”


May you be a fearless authority who reveals the one Father on the basis of truth.

Truth is the only basis of revelation. In order to reveal the Father, speak fearlessly as an embodiment of authority, not with hesitation. When those with many dictates accept one thing, that the Father of all of us is One and that He is now carrying out His task, that we are all the children of One and that that One is right, then the flag of victory will be hoisted. You will go to the land of liberation with this thought and then, when you come to play your own parts, the first sanskar (personality trait) that will emerge is “God is One”. This is the awareness of the golden age.


To tolerate is to reveal your form of power.

Om Shanti

12/07/15 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 28/12/79

“The way to become an embodiment of success is to have concentration”
BapDada is seeing all of you intense effort-making children. What is the easy way in which you intense effort makers can attain success and be revealed to the whole world as embodiments of success in everything you do through your thoughts, words and deeds? It is a method of one word, and by using this one word, you can become embodiments of success. The one word to which all your thoughts, words and deeds have to be connected is “concentration”. Not to succeed in your thoughts means to lack concentration. It is the lack of concentration that makes you fluctuate. When you have concentration, your stage automatically becomes constant and stable. When you have concentration, all the wastefulness of your thoughts, words and deeds comes to an end so that you can accumulate power. Then, because you become powerful, you attain success in everything you do. To have concentration means to remain constantly stable in the one thought of One. The whole expanse of the tree is merged in the seed of a thought. Increase your concentration and all types of fluctuation will end. Concentration attracts you towards itself. When something fluctuates it makes everything around it shake. The electricity here fluctuates a lot (the lights kept going out). When the lights come on and then go out, it creates upheaval in everyone’s thoughts and you wonder what’s happening. Something concentrated will give others the experience of concentration too. On the basis of your concentration, you are able to recognise everything clearly just as it is. When you become concentrated yourself, you can constantly and very clearly see yourself to be what you are. Then, because you clearly recognise yourself as you are, all the upheaval of: “What?” and “Why?” stops. When you can see something very clearly, you don’t have to ask what it is; your questions stop because you can clearly recognise what that thing is. Similarly, on the basis of your concentration, you can clearly recognise your own form and the form of the father. When you are concentrated in your form of soul consciousness in this way, all the upheaval of questioning what the soul is like comes to an end. When your questions end, all your upheaval ends and every thought you have also then becomes clear. The beginning, the middle and end of your every thought, word and deed become as clear as something in the present would be. When the seed of thought is powerful, it is fruitful. When you have concentration, you are able to attain all powers and become an embodiment of success. When your form is very clearly recognised, the power of your form is also recognised just as clearly. Do you now understand the praise of concentration? Nowadays, people are distressed by fluctuation. Whether it is fluctuation of politics, fluctuation of the cost of everything, fluctuation of currency, fluctuation of the suffering of karma, fluctuation of religion; whatever type of fluctuation it is, people are distressed by them all. People used to experience the facilities of science as things that made them happy, but those same facilities have now become instruments to make them fluctuate. Here, too, Brahmin souls have become tired due to the fluctuation in their thoughts and relationships. This is why the easy method is to adopt concentration. Therefore, remain constantly in solitude. By constantly remaining in solitude, you can easily become concentrated.

Just as those of you from Delhi became the instruments at the beginning of this task of establishment, so you should now also become the instruments for the end of this task. The original jewels should become instrumental in completing everything. This completion will bring about the end. All you Shaktis from Delhi have given your hands of co-operation for the task of establishment. So, what wonders will be revealed in the land where all of you Shaktis gave your hands of co-operation? Delhi is the place that took sustenance from Brahma Baba and his arms. So, what wonders will Delhi perform in return? With which method will you bring about perfection? How are you going to awaken the Kumbhakarnas? What new gift have you prepared?

What gift will those from Delhi present to BapDada? What gift will you foreigners give? What will those from Gujarat give? A gift should be given by all the different zones. Delhi was the first instrument at the start of establishment, and so Delhi should be number one to give a gift. Children have to give the Father a gift. Do you still not know what the Father desires? Each of you should think about what gift you should give Baba. Every year, something new definitely has to be invented; something which would bring newness about in yourself and in service. What is your plan for this? Tell Baba about your practical plan. Whatever you do, you must definitely bring a gift and we shall then see which zone has brought the number one gift. There is no lack of maharathis in Delhi. There are many of you maharathis, and so you will prepare a great gift, will you not? You have to make plans, but you also have to make effort. You have to race, do you not? At least you should all start churning this. When you come and sit close to Baba at amrit vela, you will automatically receive a touching.

There should be just as much upheaval in the establishing of this true religion as there is in the politics of Delhi. At the moment, there is a lot of upheaval in that government, but not so much upheaval in the establishing of this true establishment; it is still incognito. First Delhi will shake, then all the other kingdoms will shake. You should create such a light-house that everyone’s vision is drawn. Everyone’s attention is automatically drawn to a light-house. So, you should make a plan for a tall light-house, so that everyone feels that that is their only support. Generally, at a time of upheaval, people look for some support. Create such a powerful plan that people are able to receive support, just like a light-house. Do you understand? Now think about it! All the senior and mature teachers are in Delhi; all of you teachers are experienced. All of you experienced teachers would definitely create such plans. The sound that emerges from Delhi will automatically reach all the smaller places. First, make Delhi powerful. Where would the sound that comes from abroad reach? Delhi will receive that sound. Delhi has many connections. Once you Shaktis of Delhi come onto the field of service, the sound can easily emerge.

Avyakt BapDada meeting brothers and sisters from abroad.

Leicester Group:

Are you jewels constantly serviceable? To be serviceable means to be serving at every second through your thoughts, words, deeds, company, relationships and connections. To be serviceable means to be an all- round server. A serviceable soul would never say that he doesn’t have the time or never has a chance to serve. If you can’t find any other time, you can still serve in your sleep. To be an all-round server means to be constantly serviceable. Because you are interested in serving, you are constantly expanding service, are you not? Check your daily chart to see whether you claim marks for all types of service or whether you just serve through your words and deeds. You must accumulate in your account with all types of service. Therefore, check your daily chart in this way, because those who are all-round servers here will become all- round masters of the world there. The more your service lacks something here, the more difference there will be in the unlimited way and in every state there. A world emperor is an all round server. You people from Leicester are praised very much for the service you do. Each of you serves to awaken many others. Those from Leicester are especially co-operative in the service abroad. Those from Leicester water the seed of foreign service very well. BapDada is very pleased to see such co-operative children. There are all types of decoration at your centre: there are kumars, kumaris and also householders. All of you are the decoration of the centre. No type is missing from the variety. Now, create a new plan. Have you created a Godly bomb? In terms of the world, when just one bomb is released, everyone will receive salvation. The aim they have in this of bringing about destruction would be fulfilled. So, have you created such a Godly bomb that everyone will be able to receive liberation and salvation? All of you are long-lost and now-found children. You left this country, but no matter how far away abroad you went, the Father still made you belong to Him. Although you all went far away from India to another area, Baba still found you and made you belong to Him. The Father had to search for you in all the far-away places abroad, and so you are His especially long- lost and now-found again children.

Meeting Couples:

A couple means to be a sample for service. You are being kept in your households so that you can become samples on the field of service for the world to see. Do you continue to live in your households as showpieces in the showcase of the world? Even one showpiece should be able to become an instrument for many to make a bargain. Those who are living at home with their families should consider themselves to be special showpieces and become instruments for plenty of service. You are not living in a household, but in a showcase. By considering yourself to be in a showcase, you can also consider yourself to be constantly adorned. Nothing dirty would be kept in a showcase.

As you move along a little more, the names of those who are living at home and looking after their households and yet are completely free will be glorified in the whole world. People will come to you in desperation hoping to have a glimpse of you and say, “Who are those courageous souls who are able to do in practice what we have been unable to do”? There will be unlimited praise of you couples. You will become instruments for the revealing the Father’s task. You are not ordinary souls; you are special souls.

Meeting Kumars and Kumaris:

All of you are imperishable kumars. Why do kumars and kumaris receive extra mark and in what aspect? Although kumars and kumaris see everything and know everything in this life, they still have determination in their minds and, because of this determination, they are able to be firm renunciates. You receive the fortune of this renunciation. Householders renounce everything after experiencing that temporary happiness, whereas you kumars and kumaris have already renounced that perishable temporary happiness with determination in your minds. This is why you are given a chance to take a high jump. You kumars and kumaris are free from bondage in both your worldly and your spiritual lives. Because you are free from bondage, you can move as far forward as you want. Are all of you taking this high jump? To take a high jump means to do something as soon as the thought occurs; your thinking and doing would be simultaneous. BapDada is particularly pleased to see you kumars and kumaris because you have been saved from falling. You haven’t climbed that ladder of sorrow. BapDada is very pleased when He sees those who have already been saved.

Meeting the Group from America:

Do you constantly have all of your relationships with the Father? Do you experience all of His treasures? Do you experience all of the Father’s virtues? If even one relationship with the Father is missing from all these treasures and relationships, then that missing relationship will attract you towards itself and pull you away from the Father. Therefore, check whether you are experiencing all your relationships with Him. You are a child and thus a master of all His treasures. In terms of following directions, you are a child when you perform actions and do service. Then, when you become stable in an elevated stage, you are a master. Do you experience both stages of a child and a master? Those who become masters of all the treasures they have been given at this time by the Father develop the sanskars of a master. It is these sanskars that enable you to become a master in the future. You will experience your complete stage through the mine of all experiences. Experience is the easy way to bring about transformation in your life. The majority of people in this world today want to experience one second of peace. Only when you are able to remain constantly in a peaceful stage will you be able to give such desperate souls the experience of one second of peace. Do you feel mercy for those souls? Many will come to you as beggars. Only when you yourselves become full will you be able to satisfy many beggars.

Are all of you souls from America those who take a high jump or those who enable others to fly? Are you able to fly away from this old world within a second and reach your sweet silence home? You are those who fly in this way, are you not? To be a flying bird means to be one who remains constantly stable in a double- light stage. Become flying birds and continue to fly and enable others to fly too.

Make those who come to you begging for an experience of peace and happiness completely full by giving them peace and happiness. You thereby become peacemakers. They will all then thank you from their hearts. The opening of a centre in America has great significance; something special has to happen. Visions of creation and destruction will take place simultaneously. On one side, there will be those who are to bring about destruction and, on the other side, there will be peacemakers. We shall then see the competition between the power of science and the power of silence. In order to bring about transformation everywhere in America you must completely surround it. Mahavir is portrayed in an image carrying a whole mountain. So, all of you should transform America and glorify the power of silence. Constantly remember that you are deities of peace, children of the Ocean of Peace. Become such peacemakers and donate peace to whomsoever comes to you.
May you be a fearless authority who reveals the one Father on the basis of truth.   
Truth is the only basis of revelation. In order to reveal the Father, speak fearlessly as an embodiment of authority, not with hesitation. When those with many dictates accept one thing, that the Father of all of us is One and that He is now carrying out His task, that we are all the children of One and that that One is right, then the flag of victory will be hoisted. You will go to the land of liberation with this thought and then, when you come to play your own parts, the first sanskar (personality trait) that will emerge is “God is One”. This is the awareness of the golden age.
To tolerate is to reveal your form of power.