Friday, August 22, 2014


Essence: Sweet children, you now have to return home and you must therefore make effort to remember the Father 
and to reform your character.

Question: What is it that puts you to sleep on the path of ignorance? What damage has been caused by that?
Answer: Saying that the duration of a cycle is hundreds of thousands of years is something that puts everyone to sleep 
in the sleep of ignorance and it is through this that they have lost the eye of knowledge. They consider the home to be 
very far away: they have it in their intellects that they have to play their parts of happiness and sorrow here for hundreds 
of thousands of years. Therefore they do not make effort to become pure. You children know that the home is now very 
close. We now have to make effort and become karmateet.

Essence for dharna: 

1. In order to claim the status of Narayan from an ordinary man, learn the unlimited lesson from the unlimited Father and 
also teach others. Do the service of making others similar to yourself. 

2. Make effort to remove the strings of attachment and greed. Reform your character in such a way that no evil spirits enter you.

Blessing: May you be completely pure by making your thoughts pure, knowledge-full and powerful. 

In order to become equal to the Father, make the foundation of purity firm. To observe the vow of celibacy as the foundation 
is a common matter, and so do not be happy with just that. Underline the purity of vision and attitude even more. As well as 
this, make your thoughts pure, knowledge-full and powerful. There is still a lot of weakness in thoughts. Finish this weakness 
and you will then be said to be a completely pure soul.

Slogan: Let there be mercy and good wishes for everyone in your vision and there will then be no trace of arrogance or insult.