Thursday, March 20, 2014


Essence: Sweet children, remove your attachment from everything including your bodies. Only when you souls become karmateet 
will you be able to return home. 

Question: What causes great fear in a soul and why is there that fear? 
Answer: Souls have a great deal of fear of leaving their bodies because they become attached to their bodies. Even if a soul wants 
to leave his body because of sorrow, he still has to experience punishment for his sins. You children have no fear at the confluence 
age. You have even greater happiness that you will leave your old bodies and go to the Father. 

Essence for dharna: 

1. In order to become pure and return home with the Father, don’t have attachment to the puppet of the five elements. Remove all 
fear of leaving the body. 

2. Be very attentive and increase your chart of the pilgrimage of remembrance. Purify the soul with the power of yoga. Become 
karmateet and win this Godly lottery 

Blessing: May you receive happiness, power and blessings from everyone by doing service as a charitable soul. 

The instant and practical fruit of service is happiness and power. Enabling souls to have a right to the Father’s inheritance by your 
doing service is an act of charity. Those who perform charity definitely receive blessings. The pure thoughts of happiness that are 
created in the hearts of all souls become blessings and they accumulate for your future. Therefore, constantly consider yourself to 
be a server and constantly continue to receive happiness and power as the imperishable fruit of service. 

Slogan: Remove the curtain of obstacles with the power of thoughts and words and you will be able to see the hidden scene of benefit.