Monday, February 10, 2014


Essence: Sweet children, the Teacher is bodiless and you therefore have to make effort for remembrance. By remembering Baba, you will 
finish your examination and then go home. 

Question: You children have to make effort to stay in remembrance. So, what should you never be deceived by?
Answer: When you have a vision of a soul and you see a sparkling light, there is no benefit in that. It isn’t that by having a vision or by 
receiving Baba’s drishti, your sins are cut away or you receive liberation; no. In that case, you would be deceived even more. Make effort 
for remembrance. It is only by making effort that you will reach your karmateet stage. It isn’t that when Baba gives you drishti, you 
become pure. You have to make effort.

Essence for dharna: 

1. Adopt the discus of self-realisation and burn away your sins away. Be careful that you don’t perform any sinful actions through your 
physical organs. Make effort for yourself to become karmateet. 

2. Do not have the desire to have a vision. You do not receive liberation by having a vision and your sins are not cut away. There is no 
benefit in having a vision. The rust can only be removed by remembering the Father and the knowledge.

Blessing: May you be a spiritual rose who constantly maintains your spiritual stage and see others as souls. 

A spiritual rose means one who constantly has spiritual fragrance. Wherever and whomever one with spiritual fragrance looks at, that one 
will only see the soul and not the body. So constantly maintain your spiritual stage and, when looking at others, see at the soul. Just as the 
Father is the Highest on High, so, too, His garden is the highest on high and the special decoration of that garden are the roses, you 
children. Your spiritual fragrance will benefit many souls. 

Slogan: If you give happiness to anyone while breaking any code of conduct, that will accumulate in your account of sorrow.