Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Murli [22-01-2013]-English

Essence: Sweet children, Baba, the Teacher, has taught you the art of changing yourselves from human beings into deities. So then, on the basis of shrimat, serve others so that they too can change into deities. 
Question: What elevated act do you children perform now, an act that becomes a custom and system on the path of devotion? 
Answer: On the basis of shrimat, you surrender your mind, body and wealth, not just to benefit Bharat, but the whole world. Human beings on the path of devotion have the custom and system of donating in the name of God. In return, they take their next birth in a royal family. However, you children become the Father’s helpers at the confluence age and change from humans into deities. 
Song: You spent the night in sleeping and the day in eating. 

Essence for dharna: 
1. Save yourself from the unconsciousness of Maya with the life-giving herb of knowledge and yoga. Don’t follow the dictates of your own mind. 
2. Become rup-basant and do service. Follow the mother and father and become worthy to sit on the throne. 

Blessing: May you become worthy to be worshipped and praised by making donations and performing charity with your powerful stage. 
In the final period when weak souls experience even a little attainment through you perfect and complete souls, they will then rest in their home for half the cycle with the sanskars of this final experience. Then, they will become devotees in the copper age and worship and praise you. Therefore, become a great donor and a bestower of blessings for the weak souls at the end and donate this experience and perform charity. The donation and charity performed in a second through your powerful stage will make you worthy to be worshipped and praised for half the cycle. 
Slogan: Instead of being afraid of the situations, be a detached observer and you will be victorious.