Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Murli [7-11-2012]-English

Essence: Sweet children, don't allow your intellects to hang on to bodily beings. Remember the one bodiless Father and also remind others of the Father. 
Question: What main things do you need to pay attention to in order to make your life as elevated as a diamond? 
Answer: 1. Prepare and eat your meals whilst being very yogyukt. 2. Remind one another of the Father and give the donation of life. 3. Don't perform any sinful actions. 4. Protect yourself from the company of those who speak of useless matters. Don't gossip. 5. Don’t let your intellect be attracted to bodily beings. Don't hang on to bodily beings. 6. Continue to take advice from the eternal Surgeon at every step. Don't hide your illness from the Surgeon. 

Essence for dharna: 
1. Don't become tired on the pilgrimage of remembrance. Continue to caution one another and remind them of the Father. Don't waste your time. Neither gossip nor listen to gossip. 
2. In order to pass with honours, make no mistakes in your thoughts, words or deeds. 

Blessing: May you be a master bestower who experiences the self to be full by having a right to all treasures. 
It is said: Give one and receive two thousand. Perishable treasures diminish when you share them whereas imperishable treasures increase when you share them. However, only those who are full themselves can give to others. Master bestowers means those who remain constantly full and complete. They have the intoxication that the Father’s treasures are their treasures. Those whose remembrance is true experience all attainments automatically. They do not need to ask for anything or complain about anything. 
Slogan: Make your stage unshakeable and immovable for only then will you be able to see the final scenes of destruction.