Monday, November 12, 2012

Murli [12-11-2012]-English

Essence: Sweet children, while living at home with your family you have to fulfil your responsibility to everyone. Have unlimited renunciation once and create a reward for 21 births. 
Question: While walking and moving around, what one thing should you remember so that you can still remain on the spiritual pilgrimage? 
Answer: While walking and moving around, remember that you are all actors and that you now have to return home. The Father reminds you of this: Children, I have come to take you back home. To maintain this awareness is to be manmanabhav and madhyajibhav. This is the spiritual pilgrimage that the Father teaches you. 
Question: What are the qualifications for salvation? 
Answer: The praise of being full of all virtues and 16 celestial degrees full are the qualifications for salvation, which you receive from the Father. 
Song: Have patience o mind! Your days of happiness are about to come. 

Essence for dharna: 
1. Don’t have any regrets about anything. Let the line of your intellect remain constantly clear. Protect yourself from the eclipse of bad omens. 
2. Fulfil your responsibility to the household. Don't dislike anyone. Remain like a lotus flower. Become theists and make everyone theists. 

Blessing: May you be fearless and be a trustee and finish any consciousness of “mine” and die to the old world. 
People are afraid of dying whereas you have already died. You are living in the new world and have died to the old world, and so how can those who are already dead be afraid of dying. They would naturally be fearless. However, if there is any consciousness of “mine” about anything, then Maya, the cat, will meouw. People are worried about dying, about their possessions and their family whereas you are trustees. Even that body is not yours. Therefore, you are detached and there isn’t the slightest attachment to anyone. 
Slogan: Make your heart so big that limited sanskars do not emerge even in your dreams.