Thursday, October 25, 2012

Murli [23-10-2012]-English

Essence: Sweet children, the Father is giving you the musk of knowledge. Therefore, you should surrender yourself to such a Father. Follow the mother and Father and serve to make everyone pure.
Question: What are the signs of fortunate children?
Answer: Fortunate children study and teach others very well. They have firm faith in their intellects. They never let go of the Father’s hand. While doing their business etc., they also follow this course. They remain very happy. However, even if those who don’t have it in their fortune were given a lottery they would lose everything.
Song: No one is unique like the Innocent Lord!
Essence for dharna:
1. Become true Brahmins. Don’t have any defect inside you. Become a spinner of the discus of self-realisation and blow the conch shell. While doing your business, also do this course.
2. Become as merciful as the Father and become a stick for the blind. Make the elevated effort of following the mother and Father. Stand on your own feet and don’t make anyone your support.
Blessing: May you be knowledge-full and finish all feelings of dislike by becoming a master ocean of love.
Knowledge-full children, that is, gyani souls are master oceans of love for all souls. They have nothing except love. Nowadays, love is even more essential than money. So, become a master ocean of love and uplift those who defame you. Just as the Father has feelings of mercy and benevolence for all children, in the same way, the children who are oceans of forgiveness, merciful and equal to the Father cannot have any feelings of dislike for anyone.
Slogan: To finish all limitations and adopt an unlimited attitude and vision is the basis of unity.