Sunday, August 26, 2012

Murli [26-08-2012]-English

Dharna for the Pandavas who battle with Maya. 
The importance of Godly service abroad. 

Blessing: May you be free from karmic bondage and have victory over anger and ego by finishing the right to any consciousness of “mine.” 
Whenever you have a right to the consciousness of “mine” and say, “Why did you do this? This is mine,” there is anger, ego or attachment. However, think: “These are my service companions”, and so you do not have a right of “mine” over them. When they are not yours, there is no karmic bondage of anger or attachment. So, in order to become free from karmic bondages, make the one Father your world. “One Father and none other”. When the one Father has become your world, there is then no attraction and no bondage of any weak sanskars. All “mine” becomes merged in “My Father.” 
Slogan: A master almighty authority is one who uses every virtue and power according to the time of need.