Sunday, May 27, 2012

Murli [27-05-2012]-English

The ultimate objective of making effort is to live as an avyakt angel. 

Blessing: May you do combined service through having the awareness of the combined form and become an image of success. 
Just as the soul and body are combined and the future Vishnu form is combined, in the same way, stay in the awareness of the combined form of the Father and yourself, the soul, as you do service of the self and service of all souls at the same time and you will become an image of success. Never say that you were very busy in service and that this is why you became a little slack in maintaining the chart of your own stage. It should not be that you go out to do service and when you come back, you say that Maya came, your mood went off or that you were disturbed. The means of progress in service is to do the combined service of the self and of everyone. 
Slogan: To be ignorant of the knowledge of limited desires is to become greatly prosperous.