Monday, April 9, 2012

Murli [9-04-2012]-English

Essence: Sweet children, in order to claim a high status, continue to fill the soul with the petrol of knowledge. Wake up early in the morning and remember the Father. Don’t perform any wrong action.
Question: Although Baba knows the horoscope of each of you children, why doesn’t He tell you anything about it?
Answer: Baba says: Because I am the Teacher, My duty is to give you children teachings and to reform you. However, I will not tell any of you what is in you. I have come to give you souls an injection, not to cure your physical illnesses.
Question: What are you children no longer afraid of and why?
Answer: You children are no longer afraid of shedding your old bodies because it is in your intellects that you souls are imperishable. Even if you shed your old body, you have to return home. I am a bodiless soul. While living in this body, I am drinking the nectar of knowledge from the Father. This is why Baba says: Children, may you remain immortal. Become serviceable and your lifespan will continue to increase.
Song: Do not forget the days of your childhood.

Essence for dharna:
1 Don’t cause anyone sorrow through your thoughts, words or deeds. Don’t be afraid of the suffering of karma. Settle your old karmic accounts in happiness.
2. Don’t perform any bad actions by being influenced by your thoughts. Imbibe good manners. In order to become deities, understand everything through signals and then do it. It shouldn’t be that someone has to tell you to do something.

Blessing: May you be a carefree emperor who is always seated on the heart-throne while doing any work.
Those who remain constantly seated on BapDada’s heart-throne become carefree emperors because the speciality of this throne is that whoever is seated on the throne will remain carefree in all situations. Nowadays, some places have some newness or some speciality. Similarly, the speciality of the heart-throne is that there cannot be any worries; this heart-throne has received this blessing. Therefore, while performing any task, always remain seated on the heart-throne.
Slogan: In order to claim a number ahead, together with love and co-operation, also imbibe the form of power.