Monday, December 15, 2014


Essence of Murli (H&E): December 16, 2014: Essence: Sweet children, each of you has to look after your own lamp (deepak) yourself. You definitely need the oil of knowledge and yoga (ghrit of gyan & yog) in order to stay safely alight in any storm (toofaan). Question: Which effort enables you to receive an incognito inheritance (gupt varsa) from the incognito Father? Answer: Being introverted. By remaining in silence and remembering the Father you will receive an incognito inheritance. It is very good if you shed your body in remembrance. There is no difficulty in this. Along with remembrance, you have to serve with knowledge and yoga. If you cannot do this, then do karma yoga. You receive blessings if you make many people happy. Your words and behaviour have to be completely pure. Song: This is the battle of the weak with the powerful; this is the story of the lamp and the storm....(nirbal se ladaai balwaan ki, ye kahaani hai diye aur toofan ki) निर्बल से लड़ाई बलवान की... Essence for Dharna: 1. In order to become satopradhan, you have to take a lot of precautions. Keep your food, drink, words, behaviour and everything else very pure. Become rup basant like the Father. 2. Fill your apron with imperishable jewels of knowledge from the incorporeal Mine (niraakaari khaan) and remain in limitless happiness (apaar khushi) and continue to donate these jewels to others.: 🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢 Synopsis: Sakar Murli December 16, 2014 1. Baba says: I am the main Guide. I am the Death of all Deaths. This Bridegroom takes all of you brides back home and so you have to remember Him. You are the most lucky stars in the world, those who are the sun of knowledge, the moon of knowledge and the stars of knowledge. The Ocean of Knowledge enables us to become this. 2. Baba is also Rup Basant and makes you Rup Basant (yogi showering jewels of knowledge). This is the incorporeal mine of the imperishable jewels of knowledge. You have to create subjects as well as heirs. You have to fill your aprons here with these jewels and then go and donate them to others. 3. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, has now created this sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Rudra, and it is also called a place of study (pathshala). Every child can attain a deity status by studying this knowledge and yoga. 4. You need both the power of knowledge and the power of yoga to keep your own lamps alight and become threaded in the rosary. Each of you has to look after your own lamp and make effort until the end. Whilst you are racing, you have to take great care that your lamp doesn’t flicker and go out. This is why you have to add the oil of knowledge and yoga every day. If you have no energy of the power of yoga, you wouldn’t be able to run and would thus get left behind. 5. In Hindi, the word "science" is called "vigyan". Gyan and yoga together are called vigyan. We receive jewels through knowledge and we become ever healthy through yoga. This is the knowledge of gyan and yoga with which many huge buildings will later be built very easily in Paradise exactly as they were a cycle ago. 6. Baba says: Remember Me and your final thought will lead you to your destination. It is through this remembrance that your sins will be absolved and I will send you to heaven. You should have no attachment to anything. Do not consider anything to be yours. We attain our incognito inheritance from the incognitoFather by becoming introverted and remaining silent. Just keep the land of peace and the land of happiness in your intellects. 🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢