Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Murli [9-10-2012]-English

Essence: Sweet children, Maya creates obstacles in yoga, not in knowledge. Unless there is yoga, the study cannot be imbibed. This is why you should make effort to stay in as much yoga as possible. 
Question: Through which method does Baba uplift the children who have fallen? 
Answer: Baba praises those children in class and gives them a lot of love and courage: Child, you are very good. You can become a Ganges of knowledge. You are going to become a master of the world. I have come to give you the sovereignty free of charge. Why are you not claiming it? Are there the omens of Rahu over you? Study the murli and stay in yoga and the eclipse will be removed. When the children are encouraged in this way, they become engaged in remembrance and the study once again. The omens of many children are removed in this way. 
Song: The Resident of the faraway land has come to the foreign land. 

Essence for dharna: 
1. Forget the relations of the body and consider yourself to be a soul alone. Surrender yourself to the Father completely. You mustn’t be afraid. 
2. In order to become free from the punishment of Dharamraj, don’t leave till tomorrow what you can do today. Continue to take blessings from the Father on the basis of study. 

Blessing: May you be an easy yogi who experiences the stage of liberation-in-life with the method of just, “I and my Baba”. 
To become a Brahmin means to be liberated from the bondages of the body, relations and facilities. Relationships with relations of the body are not based on the body but are based on the relationship of the soul. If someone is influenced or controlled by someone else, that is a bondage, but to be a Brahmin means one who is liberated-in-life. While you have the support of the physical senses, you have to perform action, but you do not have bondage of karma, but relationship of karma. Those who are liberated in this way are always embodiments of success. The easy method for this is: “I and my Baba”. This remembrance makes you an easy yogi, an embodiment of success and liberated-in-life. 
Slogan: To finish the alloy of “I” and the consciousness of “mine” is to become real gold.